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Staff & Leaders





We have an interim pastor, Rev. Joel Petruschke, who will be starting on March 21st. He is also the pastor at Our Saviour Lutheran Church. You can use the above email and someone from St. Stephen will respond to your request or comment.





Our Organist, starting March 26th, will be Mitchell  Sensenig. He is also the organist at Our Saviour Lutheran Church. You may use the above email for inquiring about the position or asking questions.

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Jennifer Batcheler

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Youth and Family Ministry Director




​Jennifer loves having the freedom and ability to do a wide variety of activities and programs, with youth at St. Stephen.  "I also love getting to know a new generation of spirited youths and their families, being a source of support and friendship for those that want or need it, and working in God’s house for my career," she says. Jennifer is the mother of a teenage son, three cats, and six chickens--and she notes that all of her animals are special family members.

Kevin Stafford

Office Administrator




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Congregational Council Members 2023

Lela Ewell

Randy Neidig, Sr.

Bill Rowe


President ..... Tom Burson

Vice-President ..... Carol Clelland

Secretary ..... Maxine Montgomery

Treasurer ..... Cheryl Neidig

Youth Representative ..... Jadam Smith

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