Offering is an act of worship. You can contribute financially in the ways listed below.
You can also give by holding our ministries and those who work in these ministries in prayer. In need of prayer yourself? We pray at every gathering and also have an electronic prayer list that goes out regularly with specific requests. If you would like people to pray for you, please call the church office or send a message to prayer@StStephenLC.org.
Ways to Give
Cash or Check
Mailed to: St. Stephen Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 266
New Kingstown, Pa 17072
Donate via Engage. Select the fund(s) and amount(s) of the donation. Use the "Gift Memo" box on the submit (3rd) screen if additional explanation is necessary.
First-time users: Engage will ask you to create an account and specify from where funds are to be taken (draft of a bank account, credit card, or debit card). It will then associate your email address with that account and the information will not need to be entered again unless it changes or you want to add additional accounts. All online giving and history can be managed from Engage. If you use the same email address St. Stephen has on file, the connection to history will be automatic. For any questions, contact the office.
Donate via PayPal: Enter PayPal@StStephenLC.org and then the amount you want to pay. Use "Add a note" to provide designation (otherwise, it will go to the General Fund).
Text the dollar amount and fund to 717-685-6947.
Designate where you would like the money to go.
For example, to give $100 to the general fund, text "100 GEN."
If you'd like to give to two different funds, text "100 GEN 25 WH" to give $100 to the general fund plus $25 to World Hunger.
GEN - General Fund, Supports the staff and operation of the church facilities.
MS - Mission, For local and church-wide outreach ministries.
WH - World Hunger, Supports the ELCA World Hunger Fund.
Text “Menu” or “help” for a list of funds.
First-time users: Engage will ask you to create an account and specify from where funds are to be taken (draft of a bank account, credit card, or debit card). It will then associate your phone number with that account and all future donations will be taken from that account. You may disconnect the association by texting “remove."
"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8