Worship FAQ
Worship is central to our identity and life as Lutherans. We encounter God through worship and are fed through scripture, the sermon, and communion. Worship connects us to God and to each other. Worship empowers us to go out and serve God in the world, in response to God's love.
Worship Includes
Prayer, music, scripture, a related message/sermon offering, and usually communion. While the pastor preaches and presides over communion, many others are actively involved throughout each service.
Online Services
We offer these via Zoom. To participate in communion, please have a small amount of bread or wine/grape juice ready. Services are also recorded.
Dress Code
None, clothes range from casual to more formal.
All are encouraged to be part of the worshipping community. Some in-person services have a children's message; activity bags are available as well. There is a nearby nursery if needed.
There is a ramp entry into the sanctuary from Fellowship Hall and bathrooms just outside the worship area. Audio assisting devices are available. Ushers will assist as needed.